Friday 17 January 2014

New Module - Module 1

Well it's another new year. 2014 has begun.  For us in St. Vincent & the Grenadines 2013 has ended tragically and 2014 has begun on a troubling note.  What has been called The Christmas Eve Rains, has resulted in the deaths of at least nine people; from children to he elderly, including a family of five (spanning three generations).

As this year dawns, estimates of damage is in the hundreds of millions of dollars.  With the economy already in poor shape, the next few years look very troubling indeed.

It's back to the classroom.  New top management this term.  A busy term ahead too, sports and other activities in addition to new policies and strategies from the top.

Of course, the ICT course has also resumed.  My previous module on Assessing was really good and I found it very applicable immediately.  This new module 'Learning, Teaching and Thinking with ICT" seems to be reading intensive.  I'm not looking forward to all that reading.  Oh how I wish some of these readings could have been audio tutorials.  With a mind as over active as mine, academic reading is such a lengthy process.  These 2-5 hour readings can only be done in short bursts and would easily take me twice as long to get through.  Has to be done though.  So between school and instrumental practices, the reading and activities have to get done!

Hoping for continued positives going forward with the course and hope all my course mates would find this module of benefit and complete it successfully.

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