Sunday 13 October 2013

Module 4 - Assignment 1

This assignment was very interesting!  In analyzing my assessment methods, I realized that my scope has been too limited. More variety is needed to effectively assess students from a variety of vantage points.  In doing so, I would be better equipped to help them learn and to be a more effective instructor.  By having a wider variety of assessment methods, students are also exposed to a wider set of learning dimensions and more of the overall abilities are assessed and encouraged.

Using more varied methods requires careful planning.  The curriculum objectives must be clearly understood with lesson plans and assessment methods being crafted side by side.  This allows for a more seamless program in which the lesson plans, lesson delivery and assessments all tie in seamlessly to foster the learning process as students move towards the learning outcomes.  Careful crafting also allows for assessments to be an interesting part of the learning process instead of the dreaded WRITTEN TESTS that make many learners nervous.

In doing my write up, a number of specific assessment ideas came to mind.  I would be reexamining my assignment submission when I make my next term's plan!!  Already excited about implementing some of those ideas.

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